Nag Tibba Exploration)
You know how they say;
every experience good or bad teaches you something. Or how, you will laugh on
this a few years later, or it’s all just in your mind. Well sometimes all it
takes is a small journey to teach you all these philosophies of life. A journey
that changes your perception towards all the things you believed in. I
undertook a similar journey, a week ago.

We continued our trek,
through the narrow trails.
The rocky path had now ceased to exist for I could
feel the dry leaves crush beneath my feet, and the cool shade of the trees
above my head. Aah! The beginning of a 5 kilometers forest trail, I was
ecstatic. There was something so amazing about the forests. The mystery that
they entailed, the so many secrets that they hid amongst its twirling –winding
paths, dense bushes and hovering trees. The occasional alarm calls from one
animal or the other, and the weather that had now considerably cooled down gave
the chills to our exhausted bodies. We had been trekking now for around 4 hours
and were not even half way through. However there was something about the
wilderness, something about these pristine jungles, which instilled a new
energy into us. I remember coming across an open field, lined with soaring
The sun was setting and the sunlight peeped through between the trees
giving incredible shades and hues of yellow, orange, green and pink. It is at
that moment that I realized that nature was capable of so much. How naturally
it showed its many shades to us. It changed every passing moment, showing us a
new face of its splendid beauty, each passing moment. It looked like a scene
from a fairy tale. The woods where Red Riding Hood came for a
walk or where Snow White got lost. Such was its fascination.
After being allotted
our tents, the first thing I did was gaze upwards. The night sky dazzled with
twinkling stars. Hundreds of them, just looking down on us. I had forgotten
what a sky full of stars looked like. One didn’t get to see it in the city. It
was breathtaking, the kind of beauty that left you gasping. How I wished it
wasn’t so cold, for I could have stayed up all night gazing at those stars. A
bonfire was lit and we all sat around it. As we warmed our bodies, our
conversations too warmed up. I had been traveling with my best friend from many
years and although I felt we had grown apart when we went off to separate
colleges, all those memories and cherished times came back as we chattered
playfully, laughing and recollecting and reminiscing memories of the past. We
were the same, nothing had changed. The Great Outdoors, the wilderness, the
majestic Himalayas that lay right in front of us- the stars that shined, the
trees that stood with all their might, the soil we sat upon, the wind that
blew, everything –it had the power to humble us down and make us realize how
powerless we were in front of the natural world and also how it was also our
guardian. The night in the wild didn’t seem to scare me. In fact I felt secure.
We had emerged from here, we were a part of it and as long as we respected it,
no harm could come unto us.
Dinner was served. As we ate and chatted, with
the fire burning bright, I couldn’t help but look at the stars above, every
once in a while. They seemed to appear and disappear. But the sky still looked
phenomenal. After dinner was done, and the fire had almost died down I could
feel my fingers go numb because of the cold. My feet ached like anything, but I
knew in my heart that all I had was this night to absorb this spectacular
allure and make the most of it, so I set
up my tripod which was a rather difficult task given that my fingers just
refused to work in that jack frost. Worst was the fact, that the campsite was pitch
dark and I had to work with a torch. After the set-up I started clicking the starry
night with the aim to capture its divinity as it is, but my failed attempts at
night photography got me nowhere near that. After just 20 minutes my fingers
had given up and I stopped, looked up. “I
guess my camera tonight cannot do justice to the radiant sky”, I thought to
myself. Packing up, I got ready to sleep. The tents were tiny and I was glad to
have been sharing it with my best friend. My body was tired, exhausted to be
precise but my mind still felt fresh. Maybe it was those mountain hills or
maybe it was just the excitement of being in such a fascinating place. I got
into my sleeping bag and waited to fall asleep. But I did not. Neither did my
friend. We were too cold to fall asleep.
Our tent was wet too with the dew and thus after failed attempts at sleeping we
continued our crazy conversations through the night. I went out of the tent to
pull out woolen clothes from my bag to warm myself and what I saw left me mesmerized.
There was a pin drop silence; the mountains around me looked beautiful. It was
not pitch dark, but the sky was sort of deep-purplish and it glistened with
stars and this time the sky was full. The stars I realized, they shine the
brightest in a clear sky. I realized how this was a metaphor to life. One has
to let go of all inhibitions and insecurities-clear their mind and only then
they would achieve success and be able to shine like the stars that twinkled in
that amazing night sky.
My friend and I did not sleep a wink that night, we had
shivered through the night, desperately hoping it doesn’t affect our
performance as trekkers. The next morning, we got up rather early, the dawn
hadn’t yet arrived, and it was still twilight. Somehow I struggled out in the
cold with a bottle of water to freshen up. (There were no bathrooms). My
fingers became pink and seemed to swell up as they came in contact with the
cold water. I washed my face- telling my mind I could take this frost, and that
it is all in my mind. I could do this. After freshening up, I held my bottle in
the arm so that I could warm my fingers in the pocket and went to the big
kitchen hut to fetch water for my friend so that she too could get sleep off
her eyes. Shuddering and shivering, with
my teeth clattering, I struggled to get my hands of my pocket. Extending the
bottle to the kitchen bhaiya, I asked
for water. “Lijie Garam Pani lenge aap?” (Would
you like warm water) he asked rather cheerfully …. I stared at him in
bewilderment. There was hot water? Here I had risked my life to hypothermia by washing myself with
that ice-cold water , completely oblivious to even the existsnce of hot water
in this cold godforsaken land and now this guy was offering me hot water. I
kept my bottle down … “just pour some on
my frozen hands”, I said and as soon as the hot water trickled on to my
palms and fingers, I felt a sudden rush of life into myself. Nothing could have
felt better than that. Carrying hot water for my lucky friend, I told her of
the incident and she burst out laughing. Nothing like laughter to start the day
The green mountains that we had been for so long surrounded
by, had turned white. I felt at the top of the world literally. At that moment
all our fatigue, our worries, our inhibitions seemed to go away. The sun shone
perfectly, and we just lay down there to feel the calm and the tranquility that
the moment brought. A 20 minute nap under the sun seemed enough for our drained
bodies, and thus after a picture session we all trekked down leaving our footprints
and our hearts at the Nag Tibba Summit but carrying back cherished memories
with us.
Treks downhill are what I dread the most. One wrong step and
down you go. And that’s what made me slow down on our trek downhill. We reached
back at the basecamp, where we were certified for our achievement of reaching
the summit.
I wasn’t particularly keen to trek down. A part of me wanted to
build a house up there and never go back but we all find out motivation, don’t
we? A slight comment on my and my friend’s slow speed on the trek downhill from
the summit seemed to trigger us off and we acquired supersonic speed just to
prove everyone wrong. We were trekking down
through the forest trail, not stopping even for once, and we came at par with
the fastest trekkers of our trip- 3 Jaatt men from Haryana. We weren’t being
accompanied by any of our guides and this was the first real adventure trek, as
we were supposed to find our own way for a while. And like all legendary
adventure epics, we were destined to get lost.
Debates, arguments, affirmations all sparked, while the 5 of us tried to
convince ourselves that we had indeed taken the right path. All the trails in
the forest seemed similar. One on the 3 Jaat men came up with a theory that we
were in fact on the other side of the hill whereas someone said we had taken a
longer route and it would take days for us to get back. Calls for Help, map
drawings on soil, everyone had their own theories. Getting lost was a thrill in
itself and we had no option than to continue trekking down. “We will reach somewhere, let’s just continue
walking” I said, until we came to an open field that looked like a dead
end. Now almost all of us were convinced we were lost, but I was happy, I at
least had a story to tell. The arguments died down and the silence that
followed made us hear footsteps and voices. Finally humans. YES. We shouted at
the top of our voices. “HELP, WE ARE
director came out from the bushes, almost like a hero. “What is your speed even, quite impressive though?” He remarked. “I had warned you that one wrong trail and
it would take days to find your way back but lucky for you, this is a rather
difficult shortcut that you guys took”. And just like that we realized what
had taken us 3 hours the previous day took us just two hours this day.

The Nag Tibba Trek- we had despised it during our ascend,
during our sleepless night, but there had been beautiful moments that had
overpowered the distress. The nap on the summit, the wallop of getting lost,
the dazzling night sky, the opportunity
of meeting new people, the winter chill, the green hills, the snowy peaks, the many happy conversations, the smiling
faces and most of all the journey that had obliquely taught us not only about
nature and wilderness, but about finding our own motivation, relying on our own
strength and will power, confronting each situation optimistically and most
importantly to never ever give up, because ahead of a difficult journey lies a
wonderful exploration that makes every drop of sweat, every aching body part, absolutely
worth it. The Nag Tibba gave me many beautiful insights, the best one being,
Somewhere, something amazing is waiting to be known and if the
mountains are calling, then you must go!